Monday, December 21, 2009
DNA Fingerprinting
1). What is one other thing that can be done using DNA fingerprinting?
2). Why is DNA fingerprinting accurate?
3). DNA fingerprinting is considered to be 99.9 % accurate, name three scenario's where it would not be accurate?
Friday, December 18, 2009
Genetic Engineering Concerning Humans
Human genetic engineering is the modification of a human's gentotype with the purpose of choosing the phenotype of a newborn or changing the existing pheotype of a child or adult. This idea gives promising hopes of curing genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis and making people more immune to viruses. Some experts believe that genetic engineering could be used to change physical appearance, metabolism, and even improve mental abilities like memory and intelligence. For now though, these uses are considered science fiction.
1. Explain the history of human genetic engineering. HEY THERE
2. What are the pros of human genetic engineering and what exactly could it achieve and what are the cons of human genetic engineering and why is it so controversial? HOW ART THOU?
3. What are your views on human genetic engineering? (I expect a detailed paragraph por favor) HOPE YOU'RE ENJOYING YOUR LIFE THERE CHUMMY
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
DNA Structure
1. What is the backbone of the double helix made of?
2. What is essential when the DNA is being copied?
3. What are introns essential for in DNA?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Experiments with DNA Discoveries
- His experiment involved mice and 2 types of pneumonia ( a virulent kind & a non-virulent kind)
- the virulent pneumonia injection + mouse= it ended up dying.
- the non-virulent pneumonia injection+ mouse= ended up living
- He then heated up the virulent disease & killed it , then injected it into another mouse, it ended up living.
- Lastly he heated up the virulent & non-virulent pneumonia, then injected it into another mouse, it ended up dying.
- Griffith discovered the passing on of the inheritance molecule was what he called "transformation".
James Watson & Francis Crick
- Watson and Crick used a picture of crystallized DNA to put together a model of DNA.
- They found out that if you paired Thymine with Adenine and Guanine with Cytosine, the DNA would be uniformed.
- Their model showed a double helix with bases of nucleotide connecting the 2 strands.
Oswald Avery
- Avery followed up on Griffith's experiment.
- He destroyed the lipids, ribonucleic acids, carbohydrates, & proteines of the virulent pneumonia. Resulting in transformation
- He then destoryed the DNA, and transformation did not occur.
- Avery discovered the inheritance molecule (DNA).
1. Name another experiment dealing with DNA and what did they discover?
2. What is transformation?
3. Who also contributed to the discovery of the model of DNA?
DNA Mutations/Insertion Mutation/Myotonic Dystrophy
1. Explain another type of DNA Mutation.
2. What is another disease caused by DNA Insertion and explain it.
3. When a disease is autosomal dominant what doe this mean?
Monday, December 7, 2009
DNA Mutation
Composed of two strands that wrap around each other, the double helix.
The DNA strand is made up of four letters, G A T and C.
G stands for Guanine
A stands for Adenine
T stands for Thymine
C stands for Cytosine
DNA Mutation
Where one letter is exchanged for another.
When a section of DNA is lost
Extra pairs of DNA are randomly added
DNA coding is in sections tha are three letters long, frameshifting is when the first letter is lost, but the sections will remain in 3-letter parts.
More easily explained using words, The fat cat sat = Hef at cats at
Causes of Mutations
DNA fails to copy accurately
DNA is influenced
Radiation, chemicals
1.W1.What are some effects of DNA mutation?
2.H2.How is it possible to have multiple sets of DNA?
3. How can a DNA mutation affect health and development?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering is an artificial manipulation of DNA in order to modify an organism or population of organisms. They can take over the cell by injecting their DNA into it like cloning but with altered DNA, which the scientists do in the lab. They can also change just one small part of the DNA. They can reproduce certain cells to make useful substances. Through recombinant-DNA techniques, bacteria have been created that are capable of synthesizing human insulin, human interferon, human growth hormone, a hepatitis-B vaccine, and other medically useful substances. The change in the DNA that removes genetic disorders will make that the person more functional. There are people who believe that there are issues with genetic engineering. They are able to genetically alter animals and sell the meat without labeling it, which may make people concerned. They may eventually alter human DNA to make the perfect human with the best of all traits. People would be opposed to this speeding up of evolution, but in some ways it could be seen as good. Such as people could avoid being affected by a disorder, or they could all have a higher intellect.
1. What could be some possible problems with genetic engineering?
2. What could be some positives to it?
3. Would you support it or be against it? Why or why not?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Pedigree Charts
A pedigree chart is a diagram that shows a family history and represent genetic relationships. It is almost the same thing as a family tree. The more complicated version is used in genetics as a way to determined how a certain genetic disease was distributed through the family. It can also be used to determine where inherited traits (such as attached/unattached earlobes, dimples, freckles, naturally curly/straight hair, hitchhiker’s thumb, color-blindness, Widow’s peak, hair and skin color) come from. Usually genetic counselors will use this chart to help couples/families that are worried about passing genetic conditions on to their children, or people that are concerned about inheriting adult onset genetic conditions.
An autosomal recessive disorder means two copies of an abnormal gene must be present in order for the disease or trait to develop. Recessive inheritance means both genes in a pair must be defective to cause disease. People with only one defective gene in the pair are considered carriers. But they can pass the abnormal gene to their children. If you are born to parents who both carry an autosomal recessive change (mutation), you have a 1 in 4 chance of getting the malfunctioning genes from both parents and developing the disease. You have a 50% chance of inheriting one abnormal gene. If a disease is autosomal dominant, it means you only need to get the abnormal gene from one parent in order for you to inherit the disease. Dominant inheritance means an abnormal gene from one parent is capable of causing disease, even though the matching gene from the other parent is normal. The abnormal gene "dominates" the pair of genes. If just one parent has a dominant gene defect, each child has a 50% chance of inheriting the disorder. Recessive inheritance occurs when both matching genes must be abnormal to produce disease. If only one gene in the pair is abnormal, the disease does not show up or is mild. Someone who has one abnormal gene (but no symptoms) is called a carrier. A carrier can pass this abnormal gene to their children.
Here is a video you can watch that explains it a bit more:
2. In which ways can a pedigree chart help a married couple who is thinking of having children?
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Blood Types
Another blood group system involves Rhesus factors. The name Rhesus comes from the Rhesus monkeys in which the protein was first discovered. Rhesus factor D, the most important, is found in the blood of 85% of people, they are known as Rhesus positive. The remaining 15% are Rhesus negative. Individuals who are homozygous dominant (DD) or heterozygous (Dd) are Rh+. Those who are homozygous recessive (dd) are Rh- (they do not have the key Rh antigens).
1. Why is the Rhesus factor very important during pregnancy?
2. What is the “Universal Donor” and explain what the term “universal donor” is.
3. Is it possible for a person to have B blood types when one parent has type A and one has type AB? Explain or show offspring from this cross.
Blood Types
There are eight common blood types. They are as follows, O-,O+,A-,A+,B-,B+,AB-,AB+. The blood type AB- is the rarest group, 1:167 have this type. O+ is the most common blood type with 38% of people having it. People with the blood type O are known as universal donors and in emergencies can donate to anyone. Also, individuals with the blood type AB can receive RBC’s from any blood type. These individuals are often known as universal recipients.
1. Do you think that someday it will be possible to complete a blood transfusion with any blood type without suffering from a reaction?
2. Why is it that individuals with the antigen system hh can only receive blood safely from other hh donors?
3. Is it possible for a person's blood type to change throughout their life? If so explain how.
Monday, November 16, 2009
genetices (blood types)
Another level of specificity is added to blood type by examining the presence or absence of the Rh protein. Each blood type is either positive “+” (has the Rh protein) or negative “-” (no Rh protein). For example, a person whose blood type is “A positive” (A +), has both type A and Rh proteins on the surface of their red blood cells.
When conducting a blood transfusion, it is important to carefully match the donor and recipient blood types. If the donor blood cells have surface molecules that are different from those of the recipient, antibodies in the recipient’s blood recognize the donor blood as foreign. This triggers an immune response resulting in blood clotting. If the donor blood cells have surface molecules that are the same as those of the recipient, the recipient’s body will not see them as foreign and will not mount an immune response.
1) what would happen if the blood donors blood types do not match each other??
2)what is the RH factor? why is it significant?
3) how many different blood types are there and name them all.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Asexual Reproduction
Two major forms of asexual reproduction are budding and binary fission. Budding happens when the “daughter” grows off of the “mother” and the daughter grows into another plant. Binary fission is when an organism splits into two equal halves.
1. Why do you think asexual reproduction is popular among single cell organisms?
2. What are some single cell organisms that use asexual reproduction.
3. What kind of enviroment would be best for asexual reproduction?
Types of Asexual Reproduction
1. Binary Fission
2. Fragmentation
3. Budding
Binary fission is when a parent separates into two or more individuals of equal size. Fragmentation is similar to binary fission, but in fragmentation the parent separates into several pieces. It is also different because not all of the fragments turn into complete adults during fragmentation. Budding is the next type of asexual reproduction. Budding occurs when a new individual splits off of the existing parent. Usually the bud breaks away from its parent but on some occasions the bud will stay attached to the parent. It is possible for the parent to become the host for a large group of buds.
1. Find two other types of asexual reproduction and explain what they are.
2. After finding these other two types find a plant or animal that reproduces that way and also find one for each of the previously listed types.
3. Explain why it would not be possible for humans to undergo asexual reproduction.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Asexual Reproduction vs. Sexual Reproduction
1.) What are the 3 main types of asexual reproduction?
2.) Are there any consequences to asexual reproduction?
3.) Why is asexual reproduction more common in plants than animals?
Friday, October 30, 2009
Parthenogenesis and the future of homosexual families
1. What kind of reproduction is parthenogenesis?
2. Explain the difference between parthenogenesis and metamorphosis.
3.How does the process of parthenogenesis involve human eggs?
Monday, October 19, 2009
Down Syndrome
Some of the most common misunderstood facts:
Myth - Most children with Down Syndrome are born to older parents.
Fact - Most children with Down Syndrome are born to women younger than 35 years old simply because younger women have more children.
Myth - People with Down Syndrome are severely retarded.
Fact - Most people with Down Syndrome have IQ's that fall in the mild to moderate range
of intellectual disability.
Myth - People with Down Syndrome are always happy.
Fact - People with Down Syndrome have feelings just like everyone else in the population. They experience the full range of emotion. They respond to positive expressions of friendship and they are hurt and upset by inconsiderate behavior.
The following questions may not be provided in the text above, the answers can be found in the following website:
1.) What are the two types of Down Syndrome?
2.)During down syndrome,there are two ways to diagnose it. Name and explain the two ways of the diagnose.
3.)True or False- Most people with Down syndrome are institutionalized.
Prenatal Testing
1. What is one method of non-invasive prenatal testing?
2. What is one method of invasive prenatal testing?
3. What are some specific things commonly looked for in prenatal testing?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
1) Are certain types of cancer more common in different areas of the world than others?
2) What are the three most common cancers in men in the United States?
3) What are the three most common cancers in women in the United States?
4) What is the most common cancer related death?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
down syndrome
2. Is there a cure for down syndrome?
3. About how many people are living with down syndrome today?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Bloggin with Jim and Cody...
Monday, September 28, 2009
Maple Syrup Fermentation
1. How does the maple syrup ferment?
2. What are the three ways that you can tell if maple syrup is bad?
3. Which one can be misleading?
4. Are you able to grade fermented syrup or sell it?
ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)
1) how does ATP store energy??
2) how much ATP is used in the body daily??
3) what gives ATP its energy storing capability??