Monday, January 11, 2010

Evolution is, simply stated, the gradual change and development of a species due to the environmental challenges it experiences. In this way, species have developed over the millenia in order to become well-adapted in their habitat. The Darwinian concept of "survival of the fittest" is a large part of the evolutionary sequence. Species which are not well-adapted to their environment usually die out and are replaced by a species with a better chance of survival.

Creationism (or creation science as it is sometimes called) is a direct contradiction to evolution. Creationism explains the development of species as being the product of an intelligent mind, more commonly refered to as God. The theory is based upon a literal interpretation of the Bible, with all modern-day species being develped at the same time as man, and without the process of natural selection taking place

1. What are some important court cases involving evolution and natural selection?

2. How was the theory of evolution and the theory of creationism developed?

3. How has each theory been "proven?"


  1. 1.Some important cases involving evolution and natural selection inlude Scopes vs. The State of Tennessee, Epperson vs. Arkansas and Segraves vs. California.
    2.The theory of evolutin was developed mostly by Charles Darwin and his work with finches and natural selection although other contributions were made by other people. The theory of creatoinism is developed from the Bible.

  2. 1. The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes in 1925. Segraves v. California in 1981.
    2. Evolution was developed mostly by Charles Darwin and his finches. Creationism was developed from the bible.
    3. Evolution has been proved with fossils and creationism with intelligent design.

  3. 3.Each side is supported with various kinds of evidence. Evolution is supported by various studies, homologous structures,and fossil records. Creationism is supported by the Bible, common anatomy of animals showing a common designer,and flaws in radioactive dating.

  4. 1)some major cases involving evolutiona and natural selection were the "Scopes Monkey Trial" of 1925, Epperson vs. Arkansas in 1968, and Edwards vs. Aguillard in 1987.

    2) The theory of Evolution was developed mainly by Charles Darwin, with his ideas of "natural selection" and "survival of the fittest". The theory of creationism can be derived from the Bible, in which God created the Earth and all the organisms on it.

    3)Evolution has been proven with evidence of homologous structures, bacteria's immunity to antibiotics, and fossils. Creationism has been proven through the Bible, the complexity and variety of all living systems on earth.
