Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Chromosomal Disorders

I want to share this web that i found interesting and helpful during my study of the chromosomal disorder.

and these are some questions to help learn and understand this chromosomal disorders

1. What is caused by the Patau Syndrome (trinomy 13)?
2. When does Nondisjunction occur?
3. What is the 4 types of changes in chromosome structure?


  1. 1.defects of the eye, brain, and circulatory system.

    2.During the anaphase process of mitosis

    3.Deletion, Duplications, translocation, and inversion

  2. 1. serious eye, brain, and circulatory defects along with cleft palate.

    2.When homologues fail to separate during anaphase I of meiosis, or sister chromatids fail to separate during anaphase II

    3.Deletion, Duplications, Translocation, and Inversion
